

Burkhalter Consulting & Engineering Services

Bärestwilerstrasse 20

8340 Hinwil


MWST: CHE-113259.370

IBAN: CH27 0483 5120 1471 2100 0, Credit Suisse, 8070 Züruch


Outsourcing in emerging markets

Since a few years we cooperate in the field of software development with the ukraine company Vakoms. The  small but fast growing  company (env.40 empl.) specializes in platform independent desktop and mobile solutions. Among many other tools the using the framework Qt to realize professional solutions; it seems logical that most of the solutions are also web enabled.

We made very good experience working with Vakoms and we love to share the financial advantage to our customers. In todays fast evolving global markets it makes sense to outsource price sensitive items. Despite that fact we see the real advantage of such outsourcing not in the costs but in the fact that you get much better solutions for the same kind of money - we all know how bottomless some software project have gone - don‘t worry if you work with us.